Further explaining the track 'Fucked My Way To The Top', Lana Del Rey has discussed her relationships in the music industry further, saying it wasn't a 'career thing'.
In a recent interview, Lana discussed the song 'Fucked My Way To The Top', stating that it was a semi-autobiographical baiting of her critics. She alluded to various relationships she had had with people in the music industry, that unlike the song had, no bearing on getting her signed to a record deal.
Elaborating on the relationship in question with Rolling Stone, she said that she'd had a long standing relationship with a record executive - but he didn't sign her.
"He wasn't married," she told the magazine. "It was a love affair. But, I mean, I saw him off and on for seven years, and I'm still close with him. He's someone who really influenced the way that I saw things, just in terms of not being able to have what I wanted. And just being close to a life that I really envisioned and loved."
Listen to 'Ultraviolence' by Lana Del Rey below
"It wasn't a career thing, it was a lifestyle thing. I was passionate about him and what he did, and it was being close to what I loved, but not really having it. Which I felt was just symbolic for the way things had been for so many years, standing right next to something that was so beautiful, but never quite having it."
Below: The 16 most Lana Del Rey things Lana Del Rey has ever said