Music legend Les Paul first discovered guitar when he attended Waukehsa school, and now the school is being re-named in his honour.
His teachers where always aware of his curious nature, since he apparently constantly asked questions raging from how electricity got to light switches or why windows vibrated. School officials hope that Paul’s inquisitive spirit will rub off on current students and have re-named the suburban Milwaukee school after the country and jazz guitarist.
Pricinpal of the school Rob Bennett has said that Paul and his innovations (such as the solid bodied electric guitar) have come up in conversation frequently. Ahead of a dedication ceremony, Bennett said: “You can kind of see that ‘ah ha’ moment for them of, ‘It could be me, I could be that next person.’ So I think that is pretty powerful.”
Les’ son, Rusty Paul, as well as his longtime business manager Michael Braunstein said that Waukesha was important to Les Paul and he even insisted on being buried there even though he lived in New Jersey.
Braunstein said of the announcement: “He would be blown away that the fact his hometown thought so much of him that they would do this. This would make Les emotional.”
Below: Music legends playing Gibson Les Paul guitars