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by Ed Keeble

Tags: Eminem 

Eminem fulfills terminally ill fan's dying wish by paying him a visit

Friends and family started the #GetGageGarmoToMeetEminem campaign


Eminem meets terminally ill fan following social media campaign Photo:

Eminem recently paid a visit to a terminally ill fan, fulfilling his dying wish.

17-year-old Gage Garmo was sick with a rare form of bone cancer called Osteoarcoma and was given a week to live. His last wish was to meet Eminem and as a result friends and family started the #GetGageGarmoToMeetEminem campaign. 

The Motor City community grabbed the attention of Slim's camp, resulting in the pair spending two hours together on Sunday evening. He kept the visit fairly low key to prevent proceedings turning into a media spectacle.

Gage Garmo has since passed away, according to @JayVinchi's Twitter account. Friends and family can rest assured that they managed to fulfill his last wishes.

Below: Eminem storms Leeds Festival

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