Azealia Banks has defended her use of the word 'faggot' in a new interview, insisting, "It was always just a man who hates women. That's what we call a faggot."
In an interview with OutQ's Xorje Olivares, during which Banks flailed wildly between intelligent observations and hypocritical bigotism, Olivares asked her whether she had the support of the LGBT community.
She replied, "The black and latino ones yes, the fucking white gays try to fucking tear me apart, they're so evil. Sometimes I'll be like, 'Shut up faggot, shut up' and they'll be like 'OH OH OH MY GOD'."
When pushed to define the word, Banks said, "So for me, the word faggot came to me from my Mother, and it was never about a guy being gay. It was always just a man who hates women. That's what we call a faggot. You can be gay or straight. You can be a straight faggot, I know a lot of straight faggots. Faggots are men who want to bring women down, and just fuck with their heads, control them. Faggots are men who don't want you to be independent."
She also added, "The people who jump in and say, 'You can't say faggot', a lot of them are white women, and it's like, Bitch what the fuck, so I just sat here saying nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, but you're not sticking up for black rights, but as soon as I call this white gay man a faggot then it's like, 'You're a bigot'." Didn't she just say it was nothing to do with being gay?
She proceeded to tackle what she sees as misogyny amongst white gay men: "I definitely think a lot of the time with the 'white gay media' – especially with female artists – in order for you to seem successful or seem feminine you have to desire their approval. I feel like a lot of times gay men can be way more misogynistic than even straight men. Even how they come to you picking at your hair, telling you you're fat, telling you all this other shit. Telling you how to be a woman. What the fuck do you know about being a woman? Like I understand that you're feminine and you're sassy and blah blah blah, but I didn't ask you."
When asked if GLAAD asked her to stop using the word faggot, she said, "No, I just don't care. This is not a real issue. What does GLAAD stand for, Gay And Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. In my human life I've got bigger problems... It's such an antiquated cause."
There are many, many more choice quotes to be taken from Banks' attempts to defend her own bigotism, but it's probably best if you just listen to the interview in its entirety. We would like to see these questions posed to the huge number of male musicians who also use the word.
Listen to the interview below
Banks' debut album, Broke With Expensive Taste, was finally released at the end of last year after multiple delays.