Sinead O'Connor has quit social media after being stalked online by two "sexually disturbed male stalkers". Read her full statement below.
In a disturbing Facebook message, O'Connor announced that she would no longer be personally responsible for her social media.
"Due to the fact that my personally engaging with my fans on Facebook has attracted two frightening and sexually disturbed male stalkers, I will no longer be maintaining any personal online presence," she wrote. "Both of these predatory males have also stalked several women who follow this page. Please be extremely vigilant regarding whom you engage with on any fan page, especially if you are a hard core fan."
O'Connor also gave a grave warning "You are extremely vulnerable if you are followed by predators familiar with the music business who know the type of sensitive souls you are, and you cannot safely assume that anyone is who or what they claim to be. All women on this page are also vulnerable to predators unfamiliar with the music business. The internet is THE most dangerous place on earth for women and children. If you need guidance on how to stay safe or how to keep your children safe, you can make an appointment with your local police detectives. They are more than happy to help."
Althouth O'Connor praised Facebook for being able to engage with fans and the "fun times" she has called on the network to better protect people. "Having said that, I hope that Facebook will come up with some way of scanning for sexual predators on the pages of celebrities. Fans cannot always reasonably be expected to realise someone is predatory until its too late. These types of predators are not only on Facebook, obviously. I dedicate this final musical posting to my latest stalker."
She then posted a video of Webb Pierce performing In The Jailhouse now.
Her fans reaction to the news was a mixture of dismay and some bizarre accusations as though O'Connor hadn't given it considerable thought. When a fan responded "And the idiot wins? Well I thought you were stronger than this" O'Connor hit back: "An idiot is a woman who doesn't protect herself from predators. I don't have to put myself or my children at risk for you!" Similarly when a fan implored her to "Just block them" O'Connor shot back: "Block them? They come to your fuckin' house!"
Earlier this week O'Connor played the Barbican and has a number of European festival dates planned for later this year.