So the world’s most famous look-a-like porn star, Har Mar Superstar, comes to Bristol’s biggest alternative night to reintroduce himself as pop genius – well, that’s the plan anyway.
It’s 12.30 when he comes on stage, and as it’s a club night, it’s not surprising the crowd are already half-cut. There’s the odd heckle but most are just amazed at Har Mar’s outfit - take the American flag, transfer it to a cowboy two-piece ...and what you have is Har Mar looking like a member of a poor, ageing, Village People tribute act. But such is his exuberance as he struts around the stage introducing himself and the band (well bassist and drummer), the bemused crowd are ready to cheer him on. He launches into the first song, manically running around stage, his not so deep voice playing second fiddle to the funky bass line and of course Har Mar’s own stage presence. By the end of the tune it’s a shock when he’s not gyrating. He attempts a call and response, not as in seeing whether the right side of the crowd are louder than the left side, but rather asking his fans to shout ‘Har Mar is so sexy.’ They oblige and seem happy enough with the rock edged disco.
Come the third song ‘Elephant Rock’ and Har Mar's removed the top half of his outfit. Forget innuendos, Har deems them unnecessary and prefers frank talk. So, after informing the crowd they’re soon going to be covered in a bucket of Har Mar spunk, and talking about all the girls he’s going to have sex with after the show, he begins humping the ground. He then introduces the next song ‘Ass’ - good to see he’s not a one trick pony, then. After snogging as many girls in the crowd as possible, he sings new single ‘DUI’, which receives the biggest cheer of the evening, and is easily the best song of the gig.
The set is a relatively short one, which is probably a good thing. Although highly amusing, by the end of the gig the routine starts to become more cringe worthy than laughable. Imagine the stereotypical pissed uncle at a wedding, trying to sleep with any woman who crosses his path. But he stops just in the nick of time, leaving the crowd perhaps not thinking he’s a musical genius, but at least worth buying a pint for at the bar.
Photos by Graham Harries