Making their official mark upon the face of a music scene aching for something brilliant to scar it, Yourcodenameis:milo unleashed their debut EP in 2004 followed by an album in 2005. Massively underrated and over encumbered with a swag of great songs - ‘Print Is Dead Vol. 1’ was released in 2006 that saw guest musicians from many other fashionable and contemporary bands clambering to appear on what would be YCNI:M’s flirt with an accessible sound, and like a good narcotic, they seemed to like what was happening to them sonically…
Blindingly brilliant opener ‘Pacific Theatre’ rips open the album with a Zeppelin fused riff that at first taste would give the impression that YCNI:M have lost their way upon their own musical pilgrimage, until their familiar sidestep into unexpected musical territory full of violent riffs kick in, whilst Mullen’s vocals soar into goose bump country. It is clear within the first minute that they have captured everything they have set out to do musically for now, as triumphant chorus lines mixed with vitriolic yet tastefully crafted effects through amps never felt so good.
Latest single ‘Understand’ is clearly the best track they have conceived to date. A sing-a-long chorus that speaks a thousand words and will hit home when it comes to memories of meeting ‘the one’ without the cheesy aftertaste. Huge riffs and a dance floor filler with lastability showing they aren’t messing around for a second. Keyboard mini epic ‘About Leaving’ showcases another side to a band full of surprises as a softer tone is applied in the form of angelic harmonies and the guitars taking a backseat rather than driving the song, but it doesn’t stop there… ‘SixFive’ takes a direction similar to ‘Audition’ from ‘Ignoto’, a slow starter pulling on the heart strings evermore, yet in typical YCNI:M fashion – as soon as things start to get familiar a key change bounces in, thus spinning the song on its head whilst vocal harmonies and pianos create ambient havoc.
After many rotations it becomes clear that Yourcodenameis:milo have matured as songwriters in an absolutely astounding way, not merely because their songs are more accessibly structured, but because they have honed their sound in a way that gives all aspects of their musical palette room to run amok, yet have kept a considerably tighter grip on the reigns making for a tighter offering. This is the sound they have forever hinted at, organised chaos mixed with beauty. Whether it was the fact they always knew they could make such an immense album such as this with inspired tunes like ‘Translate’ to the frantic ‘Take To The Floor’ and of course ‘Understand’ and the previously mentioned ‘Pacific Theatre’, or it was down to their need to get all of their musical frustrations out before they could make a classic album, they were obviously battling with some demons to get this out there.
‘They Came From The Sun’ is for lack of a better word, epic. Epic in it’s beautifully crafted soundscapes that dance around musical tangents laced with razor sharp guitar lines that stab their way into raucous chorus lines, turning this band into a sound system not to be messed with - their instruments as working cogs, their voice as a guiding call in a dark tunnel filled with anti-hope, most commonly known as throw away bands. This album doesn’t need you…you need this album.