You may have thought he had a 'Suedehead' but brilliant knitted dolls of Morrissey have taken fans by storm.
Handmade by fan Kate Parks over at knittedmorrissey.tumblr.com the morose Smiths turned solo star appears more huggable than ever before - coming in a range of flambouyant poses and available for around £49. As Boing Boing points out, Christmas can't come soon enough.
To celebrate, here's are just a few Morrissey/Smiths wool/textile puns: Heaven Knows I'm Knittable Now, Still Wool, I Sew It's Over. More suggestions are welcome.
Meanwhile, Morrissey has revealed that he has another new album's worth of material and he hopes to go into the studio in February.
After a triumphant performance at London's O2 (read our review here), Morrissey recently had to cancel dates in Greece and Turkey.