“Hey Bob, what did you think of us when you first saw our pictures? ...You thought we we’re faggots right?" Queries Aiden guitarist Jake Wambold to their now tour manager Bob Bicknell “Oh those guys like death!” retorts Bob. “I even look in the mirror sometimes and think ‘you asshole’” continues Jake. Yep Aiden can certainly give themselves as much stick as the cruellest of critics. But this humour and grounded attitude has formed the perfect combative defence to the slating and abuse often thrown at the Seattle goth-punks. “You know image is image” reflects Jake “But you can ask bands that tour with us and they say we saw pictures of you guys and thought you would be faggots or gay-lords. But after they tour with us they are like, ‘actually you guys are cool and an awesome laugh.’ That’s what matters to us - not the opinions of people who know nothing about us.”
In truth, even this Gigwise hack was a tad apprehensive of how the dark, eerie poster boys may act in person. But the only mood the lads are in tonight is a jovial one. The Aiden boys are as hospitable and friendly as they come, as they joke and natter to Gigwise backstage at Newcastle Academy. Jake is joined by guitarist Angel Ibarra and bassist Nic Wiggins. Nic is clutching a large Starbucks coffee desperate for the heat and caffeine boost that keeps his worn out body ticking over. “Man it’s cold up here” Nic exclaims. But Aiden have been warming the hearts of thousands every night of the Taste of Chaos 07 tour. “It’s been awesome” Nic continues. “We are like one big family. We’ve been sharing a tour bus with The Blackout! man those guys are mental”. Jake interjects: “The Welsh are fucked up!” But tour pranks have been kept to a minimum, as Jake explains: “You know what they say, you shouldn’t kiss your sister!” indeed Jake, indeed.
The original ‘black parade’, Aiden shot to fame thanks to furious goth-punk anthems and the most striking of images that scared many a parent while thrilling their offspring. In wiL Francis they have one of the most intriguing front-men. He has transpired into a role model for tortured teens that find refuge and inspiration from a young man who has been to hell and back. Thus, their story is already and interesting one, but their next chapter promises to exceed all that’s gone before.
‘Change’ and ‘evolve’ are words prevalent in nearly all reviews of Aiden’s latest album ‘Conviction’. Gone are the jet black clothes and constant fixations with death - and all that goes with it. Hell, they were recently snapped wearing sparkling white attire that would pass the ‘Daz doorstep challenge’ no problem. Their sound has also drastically undergone a make-over. The screams and stagnant formula of their first two LPs was well and truly ditched in favour of soaring melodies and positive lyrics. All evidence that points to the fact Aiden are consciously breaking free from the stigma and restraints the screamo scene had once imposed. “We don’t really want to be in them as we don’t do the screaming thing anymore,” explains Nic. “We don’t want to be known or categorised in with other bands. We just want to do what we do and to be judged just as Aiden.”
But why fix something that ain’t broke? This dilemma may have worried the lad’s record bosses, but the answer was simple for Aiden. “We can’t make the same record over and over again. It’s not fun for us as a band and it’s not fun for the fans” claims Nic with an obvious burning belief. Jake is also convinced they have changed because they wanted to - and not for any publicity stunt or to pursue an alternative market. “If you take how people may react into consideration the whole time. Then what are you really doing it for? You do it for yourself and you do it for the fans.” Jake explains “We didn’t write what we wrote previously to please the fans. It’s what we wanted to play. But now this is what we enjoy playing”. Jake and Nic then gaze over at a rather distant Angel in hope of inciting his opinions on the matter, but nobody seems to be home.
A few ‘anybody there?’s later Angel stirs: “What? Sorry, I was actually reading that sign over there.” He may not be as visibly focused as Jake and Nic, but there’s a reason. “Man, I am so tired” reveals Angel. His exhaustion is understandable as 2007 has been a non-stop affair. In which Aiden recorded and released their best album to date, ‘Conviction’ and thus toured the world on the back of it. They have been Taste of Chaos stalwarts, touring all US, Australia, Japan, Europe and UK dates. But their humour and gratitude for every moment still shines through this gruelling experience. Touring for almost two solid years could break many bands, and leave in-house relationships in ruins. But Aiden are ultimately united in their mission. “With every family you get your arguments and what not, but the end of the day we are brothers and we are in this together” reflects Nic “We have the same goals,” adds Jake.
One recurring factor which can’t help but unify the Aiden lads is the torrent of abuse they encounter on tours such as Taste of Chaos. As evidently many may not be there to see them - and are determined to let Aiden know about it. “We get abused no matter what, but it’s all good” jokes Jake. “It makes the band stronger, and makes us work even harder to win them over,” adds Nic. “It definitely makes us more determined which can only be a good thing.” Nic is not one to condemn such haters and with a little probing, he reveals just why. “I was a dickhead once and I was like fuck this band. So I chucked bottles at this band I hated” Nic digests. “I’m not proud of it though” Jake seems a little shocked but even more intrigued. “What band was that?” he inquires. But Nic is not forthcoming in naming names. After dogged persuasion from Jake, Nic reveals: “The Starting Line”. “Who cares, fuck it” retorts Jake to a guilt-laden Nic.
But in ‘Conviction’ Aiden have transformed into a band armed with stunning, uplifting songs that should go a long way in proving to even their biggest doubters - they are the real deal. When ‘Conviction’ is mentioned the lads understandably beam with immense pride. “That is the album I want people to hear from us first” states Angel initiating approving nods from his two band mates. “We are so proud of that record” adds Nic. A change in producer and general approach in recording an album was a major factor in encapsulating their new-found sound. “We had more time. We could relax in the studio and experiment with shit. I played with a fucking coffee grinder one day” Jake explains. “Yeah it was easy and relaxing which is really strange as you normally feel pretty pressured or stressed” enthuses Angel. “The way the producer likes to work is to catch a feeling.” States Nic “So we were like on the roof one day, then in a cupboard the next. It was pretty fun.”
Even when they are found on the roof, the Aiden lads still have their feet firmly on the ground. This realism and refreshing attitude is in no small part due to the special relationship they enjoy with their die-hard fans. Aiden is more than just a band to them. Their music is an escape from whatever trauma or troubles they maybe be encountering and the Seattle lads are certainly aware of the vital role they play in so many people’s lives. A humbled Nic explains: “There are a lot of kids that will bring us letters”, Angel pulls out a bunch from his pocket, as Nic continues: “They will sometimes make us books that are complied from loads of fans letters about how our band has helped them through certain things in their lives. It’s the most amazing thing to read. So that’s such an honour.”
If they weren’t already grateful for what they have, an incident in 2005 tragically hit home this fact. Their then tour-buddies Bayside crashed their van, in which their drummer John ‘Beatz’ Hollohan was killed. Nic shows Gigwise his ‘Beatz’ memorial tattoo before sombrely stating: “He was such a close friend to all of us. I will never forget that night. Halloween this year was just so weird. It’s really hard and weird to talk about. The night it happened we had actually been talking about crashes. That night was seriously so cold. The roads were so icy, we were 30 miles ahead of them and when we heard about it, man it was insane.” Thus Aiden make sure they play every gig as if it was their last, and this attitude and unquestionable effort has been rewarded. Aiden’s 2006 gig in Dublin was recently voted as one of the 50 best ever gigs in a magazine poll. The fact it was voted by the fans makes it all the sweeter for Aiden. “We are stoked” beams Jake. “I think that tour was when we the tightest as a band together, we had been touring with those songs for so long” adds Nic. “It’s an honour, especially because the fans voted it."
Aiden are the first to admit the fans this side of the pond aren’t shy in showing their appreciation and devotion at gigs. “The fans over here are a lot more responsive when we play live” declares Nic. “To me some kids in the States care more about what they look like, than the band they are there to see. Whereas kids over here go crazy.” He continues. That is until as diplomatic Jake steps in “Hey, we’re not slagging the States off”. Nic retorts: “Oh no of course not, I just think bands travel from the other side of the world to play here. So I guess the fans are more appreciative.” Aiden’s love affair with these shores is set to continue with a full UK tour scheduled for April.
Aiden may have changed in both sound and image, but one thing has remained a constant - ambition. “Now we want to play Wembley Stadium” enthused Angel. Thus Aiden are fully focused on the goals ahead - and are well and truly embracing a brighter tomorrow.
Promo shots by: Lisa Johnson
Live shot by: Shirlaine Forrest