by Michael Baggs Staff | Photos by Lady Gaga

Tags: Lady Gaga 

Lady Gaga ARTPOP: the preposterous album campaign - so far

False arms, naked yoga and more - never a dull day with Lady Gaga


Lady Gaga ARTPOP: the preposterous album campaign - so far Photo: Lady Gaga

No one does it quite like Lady Gaga. By 'it' we mean ridiculous self-promotion and attention grabbing antics - she's the absolute master.

We are still over a week from hearing her new single 'Applause' and already she has exploded across the internet with bizarre videos, naked videos, prosthetic arms and blood-filled coffins.

If her ARTPOP album is anything like the promotion it is going to be a yoga-inspired collection of songs about amputation and getting your kit off. We're sure it will sound great.

We've rounded up the most preposterous moments of Lady Gaga's ARTPOP campaign so far below. Is she a genius - or is it all just bloody ridiculous?


1. Should have gone to Specsavers
This was the first image to be revealed from Gaga's ARTPOP campaign. By what follows, this is subtle.


2. The finger-licking video
This 'leaked' video (it's still online so we presume the only person leaking anything was marketing team) shows Lady Gaga making out with a metal hand. It's not very sexy.


3. The nose-piercing video
What is the point in getting a massive bit of metal stuck up your nose if you're not going to share it with your millions of fans. Gaga has her septum pierced - and she wants you to know it.


4. Mother monster, motherboards
The second official image from ARTPOP was this subtle number, showing Gaga perched on a chair made from computer motherboards. Totally starkers, obvs.


5. Gaga dear, you look like a clown
This is the single cover for the first single from ARTPOP. She looks a little glum. Cheer up love, you're one of the most successful pop stars on the planet

6. This photo
'It's not blood, it's syrup', we were told by one of Gaga's fans on Twitter when we shared this photo in July 2013. We're shocked, you mean that isn't actually a dead body? What else - Santa Claus, the East Bunny? Come off it.


7. Gaga takes a leak
It might be called 'Burqa' but it is probably called 'Aura'. This track took a leak. Lady Gaga asked her fans not to listen, but it proved too tempting not to press play...


8. Does Lady Gaga sh*t in the woods?
We have no clue what this naked yoga video is all about. It's more interesting than the last Saturdays video though, that's for sure



9. Give her a big hand (a fake one please)
Lady Gaga has spoken out for gay, lesbian and transgendered teens the world over. Her next crusade, it appears is amputees. Better still, gay amputees

Michael Baggs


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