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by Alexandra Pollard | Photos by WENN

Tags: Bjork 

Bjork's Vulnicura is finally streaming on Spotify

The musician didn't allow the album to be immediately streamed


Bjork Vulnicura is streaming on Spotify, listen Photo: WENN

After initially resisting doing so, saying, "It's not about the money; it's about respect," Bjork has now allowed her album, Vulnicura, to be streamed on Spotify.

Speaking to Fast Company back in February, the singer said, "To work on something for two or three years and then just, 'Oh, here it is for free'. It’s not about the money; it’s about respect, you know? Respect for the craft and the amount of work you put into it."

There's no hypocrisy in the fact that it's now available on the service though - the singer went on to concede that she would be willing to stream it after some time had passed: "But maybe Netflix is a good model. You go first to the cinema and after a while it will come on Netflix. Maybe that’s the way to go with streaming. It’s first physical and then maybe you can stream it later."

That's exactly what she's done. Six months after its official release, Bjork's ninth album, Vulnicura, is now available to stream on Spotify.

Listen to Bjork's Vulnicura on Spotify below

Meanwhile, Bjork has a busy summer of live shows, including Wilderness in the UK, before taking to Pitchfork Paris in October. 

Below: 8 awesome facts about Bjork

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