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by James Moore | Photos by WENN

Almost half of UK nightclubs have closed in the past decade

They're dropping like flies


half of uk nightclubs have closed in the last 10 years Photo: WENN

Almost half of the UK's nightclubs have been forced to shut down in the last 10 years, according to a new report.

According to recently released statistics sent to BBC Newsbeat by the Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers (ALMR), the number of clubs in the UK has dropped from 3,144 in 2005 to 1,733 in 2015.

Kate Nichols, ALMR Chief Executive recently said that clubs in some towns "are gone for good and we’re never going to get them back."

Lohan Presencer, Ministry Of Sound CEO, spoke to Newsbeat, stressing that the UK clubbing scene is in a "challenging place" in 2015 due to a number of factors.

Watch the BBC's report below

He said, "I don't think the number of people going out at the weekend is any different to where it was 20 years ago, but I do think they are going to different places."

"With the advent of later pub opening hours, the smoking ban, student tuition fees and the squeeze that a lot people are under financially since the recession, I think people are finding different ways and different places to go out."

The constantly growing number of festivals, as well as planning and licensing rules have also been noted as possible reasons for this rapid decline.

Nichols went on to say that "people want have their cake and eat", referring to locals who regularly complain about living near a nightclub but still wish to attend nights. 

Below: The 23 best London pubs to drink in before a gig

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