by Alexandra Pollard Staff | Photos by Press

Tags: Prince 

Prince's first and last ever lyrics are incredibly poignant

'With love, sincerity and deepest care / My life with you I share'


Prince first and last ever lyrics poignant after death Photo: Press

When Prince died suddenly last month at the age of 57, all the music he was yet to create died along with him. Thankfully though, we still have his extensive back-catalogue to cling to.

The thing is, despite the fact that he was no doubt intending to keep making albums, his music actually bookends itself in a remarkably poignant way.

As a Reddit user called Thumper17 pointed out, the first song - ‘For You’ - off Prince’s 1978 debut album of the same name, begins, “All of this and more / is for you / With love, sincerity and deepest care / My life with you I share.” And the last lyric from the closing track to what turned out to be his final album? “That’s it.”

Alexandra Pollard


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