M.I.A. has reluctantly pulled out of headlining London’s Afropunk Festival after her inclusion on the line-up was deemed inappropriate.
Though the musician, who is of Sri Lankan heritage, has campaigned for the rights of Tamil people and Syrian refugees, she recently came under fire for seemingly undermining the Black Lives Matter movement.
In an interview with The Evening Standard earlier this year, M.I.A. said, “It’s interesting that in America the problem you’re allowed to talk about is Black Lives Matter. It’s not a new thing to me - it’s what Lauryn Hill was saying in the 1990s, or Public Enemy in the 1980s.” She continued, “Is Beyonce or Kendrick Lamar going to say Muslim Lives Matter? Or Syrian Lives Matter? Or this kid in Pakistan matters? That’s a more interesting question.”
As such, her prominent position on the inaugural London version of Afropunk Festival, alongside Benjamin Booker, SZA, Ho99o9 and more, was met with criticism.
— cecile emeke (@cecileemeke) June 19, 2016
I LOVE @afropunk and I KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TRYING TO DO. BUT WE DON'T NEED A FUCKING @MIAuniverse to do that do you understand?
— cecile emeke (@cecileemeke) June 20, 2016
@SankofaBrown @MIAuniverse I wish I understood her sense of entitlement. You are MORE than welcome to use your own platform to speak, M.I.A.
— ChiChi O. (@chichi_ohh) June 21, 2016
@MIAuniverse you never answered my question about why you hate black people
— .. (@sunsetjackson) June 20, 2016
@SankofaBrown Why wont her anti black ass just stfu!? she finna get these hands. @miauniverse you're an Entitled anti black culture vulture.
— Nneka (@Naija850) June 20, 2016
.@MIAuniverse FYI there's room for more than one liberation / justice campaign. Stop being an arse. Pull out of @afropunk London.
— Netflix & Quill (@EclecticSarah) June 20, 2016
After putting up quite a fight, M.I.A. eventually agreed to remove herself from the festival’s bill - though the festival itself is yet to make an official statement.
Sorry I'm not doin Afropunk. I've been told to stay in my lane. Ha there is no lane for 65mil refugees who's lanes are blown up! #nolanes
— M.I.A (@MIAuniverse) June 20, 2016
20 years from now the kids of 65million will be listening to all types of music not their own because they will grow up elsewhere #nolanes
— M.I.A (@MIAuniverse) June 20, 2016
You are still trying to trivialise what black people go through. You're a culture vulture. @MIAuniverse.
— Sisi Majok (@modernemeid) June 20, 2016
@MIAuniverse 65 million refugees include black Africans, Mathang!!! STOP EXPLOITING, FAM.
— TheRzabeth I (@HowAboutBeth) June 20, 2016
@MIAuniverse pic.twitter.com/1E7P5gnUzd
— ra.bia (@rabivahmad) June 20, 2016
Afropunk Festival was founded in New York back in 2005, and this is its first visit across the pond.