Every so often, there's an interview with a musician which is so awkward it's actually difficult to watch. This time, it's Sky Ferreira who had to suffer through it.
The 'Everything Is Embarrassing' star appeared on Brazilian TV show The Noite in order to perform her new single 'You're Not The One' - but before she could do that, she sat down for an interview with the host of the show, comedian Danilo Gentili.
Gentili began the interview by telling the audience he would be using a translator to talk to her, and Ferrerira immediately looks uncomfortable when the translator offers to whisper his translations in her ear.
However, it only gets worse from there when Gentili holds up a copy of Night Time, My Time and asks: "Do you think everyone loves your work because of the music, or also because of the cover?" The interview adds: "And because of the tits, of course."
Ferreira takes it in stride, replying: "I'm pretty sure it's because of my work, but I guess that helps if you're a pervert."
Watch the interview below:
The interview improved slightly from there - one awkward handshake aside - with Ferreira talking about being close to Michael Jackson when she was growing up, as her family was friends with his.
Ferreira admitted: "I went to Neverland which was cool a lot. I had birthday parties there but no one ever came to my birthday."
Gentili also congratulated Ferreira on her courage in the 'Red Lips' video, which sees the star allowing a tarantula to crawl all over her while she's in her underwear.
"It looks way bigger on the screen moreso than in person, but I'm actually terrified of spiders, so I thought I would get over my fear by doing that, and that didn't happen," Ferreira explained. "It goes on my face and it still had his fangs, so I couldn't do anything."
Photos: Sky Ferreira and Stromae live at Primavera Sound 2014