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by Alexandra Pollard | Photos by

Tags: Morrissey

Morrissey's guitarist also blames support act for tour cancellation

Jesse Tobias accused Kristeen Young of being 'disingenuous'


Morrissey's guitarist also blames support act for tour cancellation


After Kristeen Young denied that the spreading of her illness caused Morrissey's US tour cancellation, Morrissey's guitarist Jess Tobias has also placed the blame on her, saying, "Good riddance to false friends."

Morrissey announced the cancellation of his US tour on Tuesday (10 June), and released a statement that said: "Difficulties had arisen on May 31st following Kristeen Young's opening set at the Miami Knight Concert Hall, after which Kristeen confessed to a 'horrendous cold', the symptoms of which were passed on to Morrissey resulting in the cancellation of the next show in Atlanta."

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In response, Young posted a statemennt on Facebook insisting that she had never "confessed to a horrendous cold", but that her symptoms were due to an "allergy attack." She concluded: "I am very sorry that Morrissey is not feeling well. But I will not tolerate these lies... particularly about my health. This is really too much and bizarre."

Now Morrissey's guitarist Jesse Tobias has waded into the row, releasing a statement on Morrissey's official fan site that reads: "I do feel that Someone needs to Speak Up for Moz in this situation as it is unbearable to watch people you once trusted , Attack and Pick Away at your Friend...

"Only speaking from my experience, with the crew and Moz falling ill in Miami, for Kristeen to deny she was truly sick seems disingenuous."

He finished the statement by saying, "Good Riddance to False Friends." His loyalty to Morrissey, and to Random Capitalisation of Words, knows no bounds.

Morrissey's tenth solo album, World Peace Is None Of Your Business, is due for release on 15 July.

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