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by Alexandra Pollard | Photos by Splash

Tags: Glastonbury Festival

Man hospitalised after Ketamine reaction at Glastonbury dies

26 year old man passed away this morning


Man hospitalised after Ketamine reaction at Glastonbury dies

Photo: Splash

The Glastonbury festival attendee who had been in critical condition after taking Ketamine has died.

The 26 year old man, who has not yet been named, was taken into hospital after suffering from a negative reaction to the drug.

This morning, a spokesman released a statement that said: "Unfortunately the man taken ill after a suspected reaction to ketamine has died this morning. His family are aware and are being supported."

The Glastonbury Police account tweeted to warn festival goers not to take drugs at the festival, saying, "Please don't take drugs at Glasto."

Officers have said that the man's death was believed to be caused by an "individual reaction", and not due to a particularly potent batch of the drug. Ketamine is currently a class B drug in the UK, and an estimated 120,000 people aged between 16 and 59 took the drug last year.

A 67 year old woman also died at this year's festival, but her death is believed to be of natural causes.

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