Courtney Love has admitted to using heroin while pregnant with Frances Bean Cobain.
Speculation around this subject has been rife for decades, with Love defiantly denying the claims for 23 years. However a new documentary sees her admit to taking the class A drug during her pregnancy.
In forthcoming HBO documentary Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck, Love states on camera: "I used it once then stopped. I knew she would be fine."
Memorably, Love hit out at Vanity Fair writer Lynn Hirschberg after an article claimed she had taken the drug. Hirschberg's piece features the following account: "After their New York [heroin] binge, it was suggested to Courtney that she have an abortion. She refused and, reportedly, had a battery of tests that indicated the fetus was fine. "She wanted to get off drugs," says [Jimmy] Boyle [a friend of Love's]. "I brought her herbs to ease the kick, so she wouldn’t freak out so badly. I was bringing stuff over to her house every day because it’s a whacked-out thing to do to a kid."
After the article's publication, Love recorded a bootleg EP at the time titled Bring Me The Head of Lynn Hirschberg and reportedly threatening the writer with violence multiple times.
Representatives for Love and Cobain also issued a statement in 1992 disputing Hirschberg's claims: "We unequivocally deny this... As soon as Courtney found out she was pregnant, she immediately contacted an obstetrician and a doctor specializing in chemical dependency and has been under their care since then and has been assured that she can expect to have a healthy baby."
Leading on from the drug claims, Love argued in 2011 that the particularly damning article on her and Cobain was the main reason behind the Nirvana frontman's suicide, with the accusations in the piece leading to the pair having their child taken away from them for a brief period. She stated: "My world was turned upside down by a very bitter, very ugly woman named Lynn Hirschberg, who published a hatchet job about Kurt and me in Vanity Fair. She’s more responsible for my husband’s death than anyone,"
"She humiliated and emasculated him. She sent him over the edge. She deserves most of the blame for his death."
Courtney Love, Lynn Hirschberg or Francis Bean Cobain are yet to comment on the recent admission.