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by Daniel Melia

Tags: The Darkness 

The Darkness - 'One Way Ticket' (Atlantic) Released: 14/11/2005



The Darkness - 'One Way Ticket' (Atlantic) Released: 14/11/2005 Photo:

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One Way TicketThank the Lord! Justin Hawkins and his merry band of lycra clad stadium rock jokers are back, not realising that the joke that was mildly amusing the first time round now makes us want to punch them in the face and burn their skin tight jump suits. 'One Way Ticket' is tiresome, the lyrics tragically awful like a bad social club stand up and the fact is the music was never any good in the first place. With the novelty well and truly worn off The Darkness are nothing more than a parody of themselves. Let just hope that by this time next year they'll be back in Suffolk playing to a handful of pissed up bikers and not darkening our door with this shit.

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