"I have clear memories of playing that song in London back in 2008 - very clear." lead singer Caroline Polachek tells the Scala crowd - speaking about arguably their biggest hit, 'Bruises', from their debut album Does You Inspire You. Fast-forward to eight years after its release, and the Brooklyn duo are showcasing material from their third record Moth to the Kings Cross crowd.
The days that Polachek harks back to - where the band were best-known for providing a slice of upbeat dream pop to an iPod ad - feel like light-years ago, with new tracks on-display tonight being much bolder, unique and multilayered. Expanding to a four-piece onstage, Chairlift's ever-changing lineup up has evolved once again to accommodate this new sound. Founding member Patrick Wimberley has switched from guitar, and turned his hand to a station of drums, percussion and samples - which dominate the harsh beat-driven single 'Romeo' early in the set - while the addition of live saxophone plays a prominent part in bringing the sound of Moth to life, as it bounces over 'Polymorphing'.
The crowd rejoice at the unmistakable first notes of 'Amanaemonesia' as Wimberley makes his way back to familiar territory, playing bass on the 2011 track, followed by 'I Belong In Your Arms', which is given a funk-driven down-tempo makeover, to sit comfortably alongside new material.
It's Caroline Polachek's powerful vocal performance which is most striking, on new tracks in particular '- a result of practicing operatic techniques while in the midst of the recording process of Moth. 'Unfinished Business' - which Polachek says begins a four-track run of 'love songs' - pushes her vocal capability. "You guys live in the city, so you can probably relate..." she tells the crowd as she introduces new single 'Crying In Public'."...It seems like the older I get, the more I cry - it should be the opposite" she admits, drawing attention to the song's emotionally vulnerable subject matter.
With one final burst of pop magic, the main set comes to an end with the dancefloor-ready 'Moth To A Flame'. Polachek addresses her desire for new tracks to create more memorable moments for the band and fans alike, before returning to the stage to shake Scala to the ground with the hip-hop beats of 'Ch- Ching'.
Chairlift have returned armed with a set packed with enough potential hits and theatrical stage presence to rival the biggest pop acts in the game. Moth will take flight again in June when the duo hit Camden's Electric Ballroom.
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I Belong in Your Arms
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Crying in Public
Moth to the Flame
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Ch Ching