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by Jodie Woodgate

Tags: PSAPP 

Psapp - 'The Only Thing I Ever Wanted' (Domino) Released 22/05/06

Playing the Slam tent...



Psapp - 'The Only Thing I Ever Wanted' (Domino) Released 22/05/06 Photo:

Ever wondered what would have happened if Dido and her brother had formed a band?  Well, if is an idea that doesn’t have you screaming in fear, leaving you shaking in a cold sweat than check out Psapp who create the kind of music you would imagine the Dido siblings would have given the chance. 

'The Only Thing I Ever Wanted' is the latest offering from London based duo Carim Clasman and Galia Durant, providing the experimental post rock soundtrack for boho trend followers across the country. Jam packed with hypnotic hedonism, 'The Only Thing I Ever Wanted' is rock stripped down to the bare essentials and yet retaining a stylish complexity that will whip the Starbucks patronises into a frenzy. Recent single release ‘Tricycle’ is melodic alternative music at its simplest with almost a child like innocence portrayed throughout it.  Indeed this is the trend with the former music producers. 

‘King Of You’ oozes a sense of tranquilly that simply washes over you, conveying a idea of calmness that doesn’t necessary correspond with the lyrics, a theme that continues throughout the album. With such soothing, laid back musical accompaniment the lyrics tend to fade into the background, calling for a second listen to take place in order for the song to appreciated in its entirety.  Even though Clasman’s vocals are strongly defined and hard to ignore, they too project a stillness and simplicity which, although in keeping with the music, again fails to differentiate verses from chorus and even the songs themselves until it all starts to seem slightly lack lustre and unadventurous.

As lovely as the romantic bohemian simplicity of Psapp is, there comes a point where it all becomes just a little too chilled out, a tad too mellow and tittering on the brink of starting a sleep induced coma. 'The Only Thing I Ever Wanted'  will definitely only appeal to a certain audience as by the end the only thing you actually really want is something with a bit more life in it that isn’t trying to be so stylishly hip.

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