"I'm just a pessimistic Scot," beams a humbled Scott Hutchison to the wild adulation of the drunken Brixton masses. "I never thought I'd ever fucking headline Brixton."
Indeed, it has been a long bloody time coming. Frightened Rabbit have been somewhat of a cult affair for about a decade now, playing middling venues and modest festival slots to critical acclaim while always drawing an insanely devoted type of fan - but never quite breaking into wider public consciousness. Far less worthy alt-folk acts have dominated the airwaves (saying no names, behave yourself), without even a shred of an iota of the credibility or compelling power of F'Rabbit.
Now they've taken the torch passed to them by touring buddies Death Cab, Biffy Clyro and The National of bands who bide their bide, hone their craft and evenutally - seize the day. Today is that day.
With an epic, career-spanning 20-song set Scott Hutchison and co delight a lively sold-out crowd with a showcase of how over four albums, they've carved their out their very own space in music with searing Scottish spirit: written with poetry, feeling and aplomb without ever leaning towards cliche.
Opening with the victory rumble of 'Holy' before the typically F'Rabbit self-deprecation anthem of 'The Modern Leper' and backed by a monolithic glowing cross, the band perform with all of the conviction of five men who have been preparing for a night like this for longer than they can remember.
Highlights of the night include a rare outing of the awesomely awkward debut album number 'Music Now' and an utterly unforgettable performance of 'Floating In The Forth' - performed acoustically and without a microphone, forcing the vast hall to stand stunned in silence (for the most part, there's always the od drunk dickhead). Either way, it was really bloody special, leading a visibly shaked Hutchison to declare: "That the best fucking moment of my life". Yes Scott, but you've got plenty of nights like tonight to come.
Returning to the stage for the game-changing comeback single 'The Woodpile' before the crowd prematurely erupt into chorus for closer 'The Loneliness And The Scream', it's abundantly obvious that Frightened Rabbit have become an everyman band, without losing any of the charm, fire or essence that sets them so far apart from other pretenders.
Yup, it's a pretty glorious evening - and they did all that without even playing the popular staple 'Swim Until You Can't You Land'. Such champs, they are. They've played the long game and played it well - but there's a longer road still ahead. Much bigger venues than this surely await. Up the F'Rabbits.
Frightened Rabbit played:
The Modern Leper
Nothing Like You
Dead Now
Old Old Fashioned
December's Traditions
Music Now
The Wrestle
Fast Blood
State Hospital
Head Rolls Off
Nitrous Gas
Fuck This Place (acoustic)
Floating in the Forth (Scott solo acoustic without microphone)
My Backwards Walk
The Oil Slick
Acts of Man
The Woodpile
Keep Yourself Warm
The Loneliness and the Scream
Below: Exclusive photos of Frightened Rabbit live at Brixton Academy, London