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by Andrew Trendell | Photos by WENN / Tumblr / Press

Tags: Miley Cyrus 

11 things worse than twerking Miley Cyrus could do at the EMAs

How can she cause more controversy in Amsterdam?


11 things worse than twerking Miley Cyrus could do at the EMAs

Here we go again. This week it was announced that Miley Cyrus will be decending upon Amsterdam next month to perform at the MTV European Music Awards. Cue controversy, twerk-related outrage and months and months of Miley headlines.

Love her or hate her, her performance with Robin Thicke at the VMAs back in August was probably the most talked about incident in music of the year. It was enough to make Will Smith's family cringe, as her twerking upset thousands, leading to a flurry of complaints - but that was all part of her grand plan. 

So, as the EMAs loom on the horizon, we ask what Miley might have in mind for us this time and how can she possibly top what she did at the VMAS? 

1. 'Black up'
She's already been branded racist for 'hijacking' black culture by bringing twerking to a white audience. She could go all the way and come as a Black And White Minstrel in the name of 'Cultural Appropriation'. 

2. Ride Sinead O'Connor
Many feared that Miley would rake up her feud with Sinead O'Connor when she hosted SNL. Mercifully, she didn't - but could the EMAs be the place? Maybe she could ride an effigy of her head like a wrecking ball?


3. Machine gun bra
Gaga caused controversy when she wore one. The only way that Miley can top that is by firing one into the audience

4. Smoke a spliff
Lady Gaga also kicked up a fuss when she smoked weed on stage. Could Miley's post-adolescent rebellious streak get the better of her? The EMAs are taking place in Amsterdam after all. When in Rome...

5. Violence!

That'll piss people off.


She can't put her tongue away. Expect her to lick the whole set - Katy Perry and The Killers included. 

7. Wear something NSFW
That scant flesh-coloured bikini she wore at the VMAs didn't leave much to the imagination - and her likeness to a chicken fillet was well-documented. What can she do to scar us now? 

8. Twerk on something sacred
Robin Thicke dressed as Beetlejuice wasn't enough. What's next? 

9. Nudity!
Pop's feminists like Sinead O'Connor, Charlotte Church and Lorde will probably take offence to it (and rightly so), but our Miley won't be hiding her modesty. She certainly knows how to get your attention. 

10. Cook meth
Last month, Miley posed the question 'is my twerking really as outrageous as cooking meth on Breaking Bad? There's only one way to find out...

11. Upstage Ron Burgundy
The Anchorman legend is hosting the show. He's kind of a big deal, but maybe Miley could prove too much of a handful for him? 


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