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by Andrew Trendell | Photos by WENN

Tags: Lostprophets 

Ian Watkins' ex-girlfriend accused of encouraging paedophilia

Joanne Mjadzelics is currently on trial for child porn charges


Ian Watkins ex-girlfriend Joanne Mjadzelics on trail for child porn Photo: WENN

Ian Watkins' former girlfriend Joanne Mjadzelics has gone on trial for a string of child porn offences, including encouraging the ex-Lost Prophets man in distributing images. 

Joanne Mjadzelics, 39, from Doncaster was arrested following Watkins' guilty pleas in November 2013, and is now accused of possessing and distributing indecent images of children. 

As the BBC reports, Mjadzelics claims that she only encouraged Watkins to share the images in order reveal his own paedophilia and criminality - she told Cardiff Crown Court this week. 

A jury at Cardiff Crown Court was also played a sex tape from 2008 in which the defendent and Watkins discussed their desire to abuse children together. They were also read excerpts on online chats in which she asked for offensive images of child abuse to be shared. 

In her defence, she argued that her part in the exchange was to reveal Watkins' crimes, adding that she was on drugs at the time. 

"I cannot deny that it's me but I cannot remember it and I am just disgusted," said Mjadzelics. "I was a coke head at the time.I was totally in love with the guy and I was saying things to... make him excited."

Mjadzelics denies four counts of possessing and two of distributing indecent images of children and one count of encouraging and assisting the distribution of an indecent image of a child.

The trial continues.

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