New York City’s Madison Square Garden will reportedly go vegan on June 27 for Morrissey’s concert.
While the venue has yet to comment, the New York Post reports that the arena will ban all meat from being served the night of his performance.
In a statement sent to Gigwise, PETA's Senior Vice President Dan Mathews said: "Morrissey has a general touring policy that forbids meat to be served at venues where he plays. Menus have been adapted all over the world, or burger, chicken and fish stands have simply closed for the night. He also has PETA info tables at each show and screens slaughterhouse footage when he plays 'Meat Is Murder'."
According to the Post, one MSG staffer was shocked to hear the news, saying that “We’d have to close half the floor.” However, not all staffers are upset by the decision, as The Daily Burger’s owner Drew Nieporent has said that he has no problem with it. “This is the first time I’m hearing about it,” he shared. “But I love my man Morrissey. He’s a wonderful artist, so I wouldn’t mind. He can do whatever he wants.”
“We’ll just go and enjoy the music,” he continued, stating that instead of planning a vegetarian menu for the occasion, he will just close down for the night.
This news follows the publication of Morrissey’s open letter to Al Gore and Live Earth co-founder Kevin Wall, which demanded that they do not serve meat at this year’s Live Earth event.
“Serving meat and dairy products at an event to combat climate change is like selling pistols at a gun-control rally,” he wrote in the letter. “Your responsibility is to alert people to a crisis, not sell out to the vendors responsible for it.”
“Since you can't miss the fact that meat consumption is killing the planet-your own sponsor organization, the United Nations, states this-and since venues can and will cater vegan food for events, if you choose to serve animal flesh at Live Earth, you'll be making a mockery of the very concept of the event, in which case it should be renamed ‘Dead Earth: We Contributed!’”, he continued.
Morrissey’s letter was written on behalf of PETA, who have previously requested that Gore and Wall serve only vegan food at Live Earth. “Live Earth can’t be a leader in fighting climate change if it betrays its own values by failing to offer only vegan food at everything associated with this event,” PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk said in a statement. “Animal agriculture is as toxic to the soil, water, and air as it is to animals’ and humans’ health. PETA is encouraging organizers to practice what Live Earth preaches by leaving animals off their menu.”