by James Moore Staff | Photos by Wenn

Tags: Azealia Banks 

Azealia Banks says Myley Cyrus's music is 'whack as f**k'

She described Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift's music as 'basic'


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Azealia Banks called Miley Cyrus music whack as fuck Photo: Wenn
The ever outspoken Azealia Banks has called Myley Cyrus’s music “whack as fuck”, as well as describing Taylor Swift and Nicki Minaj as “basic.” Banks took to Twitter to post a series of insults, mentioning Myley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift by name. When fans asked Banks if she’s ever been a fan of of Minaj, she replied, “She’s great. Incredible even. I’m just… Better.” Nicki Minaj recently called Miley Cyrus a “bitch” at last weekend’s VMAs after Cyrus commented on her spat with Taylor Swift. Cyrus was said ,"What I read sounded very Nicki Minaj, which, if you know Nicki Minaj is not too kind. It’s not very polite." Meanwhile, Taylor Swift has made headlines once again after being widely criticised for her historically insensitive ‘Widlest Dreams’ video.  Banks recently commened on Tyler The Creator being banned from the UK, noting that it was due to racial prejudice and that Eminem should be banned on the same grounds. Eminem even name-checked the female rapper during a length freestyle on the Sway In The Morning radio show.  She also hit back at critics who described her as homophobic due to her use of the word "faggot" in several of her songs.

Below: Azealia Banks plays at Coachella Festival

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