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by Will Butler | Photos by Wenn

Tags: Whitney Houston 

Sing along to Whitney Houston and risk being kicked out of a musical

A woman in Nottingham was ejected for 'singing loudly and badly'


Woman ejected from The Bodyguard for singing too loud Photo: Wenn

A woman was evicted from the final showing of The Bodyguard musical for singing along obnoxiously on Saturday night in Nottingham. Bless. 

The film stars Mick Jackson, Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston and has been reworked into a musical featuring performances from former X-Factor voice Alexandra Burke, if you were wondering what ever happened to her.

According to the BBC, the woman continued to sing along to the Houston tracks for 20 minutes after she was told to be quiet by other members of the audience. Some audience members suggested that they called the police which, considering the nature of the situation, might have been a melodramatic response. The woman's passion was so loud, in fact, that the report mentions that audience members on different tiers of the theatre could hear the woman.

The theatre's operations director confirmed: "on Saturday evening, a customer causing a disturbance during the final performance of The Bodyguard was asked to leave by Royal Concert Hall staff." 

The bodyguard will be moving onto Sheffield where we imagine the staff will be reminding audience members that The Bodyguard is a thetrical performance, not a pantomime. 

Listen to Whitney Houston's 'I Will Always Love You' below

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