Adele is back in a big way. When popstars finish their tours and press runs they always claim that they're going to lay-low for a while, however, with the growth of social media and attention compulsion disorders, it never feels like they ever leave. Not like it felt when Adele left.
After the Skyfall hype died down, Adele Adkins settled herself into the home-life, taking care of her new child and enjoying the spoils of being a global superstar. It just makes it all the sweeter when we got the news a few weeks back that she was returning to the spotlight, and with one of the biggest pop tunes of the year.
'Hello' is currently on course to be the most commercially successful track of the year, and rightfully so, however, numbers don't matter to 27 year old singer. Her new album is due out in a matter of weeks and Adele is staying grounded.
i-d published the first interview with the elusive singer yesterday and it is worth your time, Adele fan or otherwise - here are the things we learned.
1. Adele originally wanted to fix hearts, not the melt them: From the age of ten, Adkins wanted to be a heart surgeon. This was before the inevitable distraction of 'fun and boys', we've all been there.
2. There is a new notebook for every Adele album: Rituals are very important for creativity, that's why with every new project, Adele buys a brand new notebook, based on a criteria of smell, and jots every song and idea in there. These books are going to be worth a mint one day.
3. Another 21 would be disastrous: So yeah, 21 sold 30 million copies. But Adele doesn't think it's worth going through the same heartbreak to write the same record. It'd be a pointless exercise, 21 is an unbeatable heartbreak record - even Adele knows it.
4. Adele's live music adventures started early: During her early years in Tottenham, Adele's Mum used to sneak her into Brixton Academy at the age of three to watch bands like The Cure and Beautiful South.
5. Tobias Jesso Jr could have written 25's 'Rolling In The Deep': Despite i-d describing the 'Hollywood' writer as 'unknown' prior to coming into contact with Adele, they give the LA songwriter the due credit for his input on 'When We Were Young' which has been been compared to the smash single.
6. She cried when she met Stevie Nicks: "I was sobbing all over her oh my god. I don't really like crying in front of famous people because it's awkward and it can make them feel really uncomfortable. But I couldn't contain myself." We don't blame her.
7. She gave birth days before the Skyfall premiere: There wasn't a lot of press time with Adele prior to the film's debut, this is due to the fact that Adele was on the precipice of going into labour so you can cut her some slack. "He was about to drop out my fanny at, like, any moment."