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by Alexandra Pollard | Photos by Screenshot

Tags: Justin Bieber 

Justin Bieber is determined to alienate his few remaining fans

First he stormed off stage, now he's telling fans off for clapping wrong


Justin Bieber stops gig on Spanish TV to tell fans how to clap Photo: Screenshot

Remember a few months ago when Justin Bieber posted an emotional video online apologising for his general bad attitude? Well, it looks like he might have slipped back into his old ways.

To be fair to the singer, it is incredibly annoying when arrhythmic fans ruin songs at gigs by clapping completely out of time. But it didn't exactly endear him to anyone when, during a rendition of 'What Do You Mean?' on Spanish TV, he stopped to tell off his fans for clapping out of time.

"At least clap on the right notes, come on guys, stop, stop, stop," he said crossly partway through the performance. "It's like this. If you're gonna clap, if not... Yeah, at least clap on beat."

Watch Justin Bieber telling off his fans for clapping wrong below

Meanwhile, Bieber recently stormed off stage in Norway after playing just one song, complaining that nobody was listening to him.

Below: The best / worst on-stage rants

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