by Alexandra Pollard | Photos by Staramba

Tags: Black Veil Brides 

You can now buy Black Veil Brides action figures, should you wish

You'll have to dig into your savings though, they come with a hefty price tag


Black Veil Brides merch includes action figures, but no UK tour Photo: Staramba

If you have a precocious, metal-head child, or just fancy an action figure for yourself, we have good news. Black Veil Brides have added action figures to their available merch. That'll tide you over until the 'In The End' singers announce a UK tour.

The band released their self-titled fourth album just over a year ago, which featured songs such as 'Heart Of Fire' and 'Faithless'. The album reached the top 20 in both the US and UK charts. Buying their LP is far less exciting a purchase, though, than these figurines - as Rock Sound pointed out.

"Black Veil Brides come to your home as 3D printed figurines!" says the website selling them. "Each figurine is remarkably lifelike and a perfect reproduction of the band. Black Veil Brides are available for pre-order as single figurine or as band bundle in different sizes from today."

The action figures aren't exactly cheap though. They'll set you back 40 US dollars each, and if you want the Black Veil Brides bundle, featuring all the members, you'll have to fork out a whopping 270 dollars.

Maybe this is one to add to your Christmas list. 



Below: The strangest metal band merchandise

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