by Will Butler Contributor | Photos by Press

A man is composing an album specifically for cats

A clawsome mewment for musical history; we're not kitten


Music for cats, kickstarter, youtube, rescue dogs, internet puns Photo: Press

First there was Meow The Jewels, the infamous Run the Jewels remix album, and now we have Music For Cats: the world's first composition specifically for the enjoyment of cats. At time of writing the album's kickstarter page has nearly 8,000 supporters.

The album is, supposedly, proven "to enrich cats' lives". This is hard to believe since what is considered a cat 'life' namely consists of sleeping in wardrobes and shitting in inopportune places. The project's coordinator even agrees, admitting that "it sounds like a joke". But, seemingly, the masses believe in the concept. At time of writing the project has $189,000 of the $20,000 goal and with 5 days still to go, the internet still has plenty of time to work on terrible puns.

The man behind the musical purroject is David Teie, a cellist for the US National Symphony Orchestra. His foray into animal music began in 2009 when the musician was commissioned to test his theories on tamarin monkeys. The basic science being, as humans the first 'music' we come into contact with is the steady beat of our mother's hearts when in the womb therefore we associate positive feeling with 'pulse'. Cats, being tautologically non-humans, develop this association much later in life through suckling.

Watch the trailer for Music For Cats below

Teie wants to give the cat community the same musical pleasures we take for granted. But his vision doesn't end there. The next step will be create music for abused dogs and whales and then hopefully rhinos if the human race can take a break from committing genocide the species.

The project has an extra $170,000 of funding, so hopefully Teie will do something beneficial with that money like donate to a shelter, revitalise Cat Stevens' career or just push forward with music for cat frontier. Don't be surprised if you start seeing scratching posts at your local music venue. Not that this even matters since, like everybody knows, cats don't have souls. 

Will Butler


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