Liam Gallagher has explained his honest position in music emphasising the fact he prefers being the frontman to the songwriter as he 'can't be arsed' writing songs and prefers being 'the cool bastard'.
Speaking with the he said: "Noel was the songwriter of the band and I was the singer. I didn’t wanna be a songwriter. We can’t even fucking speak together; imagine writing a fucking song together.”
“I’m quite happy being the fucking cool bastard. I’m not arsed about writing songs – you do it because you have to.”
To his credit band's with an energetic frontman rather than someone just standing there knocking out their neatly crafted tunes are a whole lot more fun to watch live. It's part of the reason Oasis have done so well over the years.
His comments also suggest an Oasis reunion is still something that Liam wants to happen. But in the meantime he appears to be writing, no matter how much it's a hassle. Of the new album set for a 2017 release he says: “It’s a pretty Working Class Hero kinda thing – Lennony vibe, you know what I mean. It’s like acoustic.
“Then there’s a couple of rock and roll tunes on there, but it’s not Oasis man,” he continued. “It’s not fucking stadium rock, you know what I mean?”
Liam Gallagher has previously written mellow acoustic Oasis singles 'Songbird' and 'I’m Outta Time' but these weren't written collaboratively as his relationship with his brother has always been volatile.
His public slamming of him recently extended him to calling him a "potato" on Twitter and also writing "Fuck Oasis".