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by Ed Keeble | Photos by Press

Is it true that people who listen to heavy metal are happier and richer?

Turn that frown upside down - with some metal


Is it true that people who listen to heavy metal are happier and richer?

Photo: Press

A study has revealed a correlation between countries that are wealthy and content and the amount of heavy metal bands.

The news comes courtesy of The Atlantic’s City Lab and the Martin Prosperity Institute. Their experts write that the number of metal bands within an area is associated with: "economic output per capita; level of creativity and entrepreneurship; share of adults that hold college degrees; as well as overall levels of human development, well-being, and satisfaction with life.”

It's clear to note at the same time that this doesn't mean that there is a causation link between the two, rather the corellation simply means that the two are associated. There are also a variety of contributing factors, including for example the Scandinavian government's compulsory music training in schools. It could help people meet the technical prowess required for metal and explain why so much good pop music comes from Sweden.

See a graph of the information garnered below

The study gathered all the information by comparing the amount of metal bands per 100,000 people. Encyclopedia Metallum supplied a comprehensive list of all the bands, whilst C.I.A.'s World Factbook supplied the numbers. 

Richard Florida and Mellander conclude the study by writing: “Though metal may be the music of choice for some alienated working-class males, it enjoys its greatest popularity in the most advanced, most tolerant, and knowledge-based places in the world.” They conclude, “while new musical forms may spring from disadvantaged, disgruntled, or marginalized groups, it is the most advanced and wealthy societies that have the media and entertainment companies that can propagate new sounds and genres.”

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