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by Michael Baggs

Alexander Shulgin, the godfather of ecstasy, dies aged 88

Shulgin elevated clubbers' seratonin since 1976


Alexander Shulgin, the godfather of ecstasy, dies aged 88


The pharmacologist who is credited with inventing MDMA, Alexander 'sasha' Shulgin, has died aged 88. His death was not drug related.

Shulgin was nicknamed the 'Godfather of ecstasy', after developing a new synthesis for making MDMA in 1976. The drug was initially tested by scientists for it's effect on individuals' emotional states, but was quickly adopted into the club scene - first in New York and Chicago, before taking hold in Ibiza and subsequently, the UK. It remains a hugely popular drug among clubbers to this day for its affect on seratonin levels in the body.

Shulgin died aged 88, after a battle with liver cancer on Monday, 2 June 2014.

He initially came to prominence in the science community with his work for The Dow Chemical Company, after developing an amphetamine with similar, but more mild, effects to LSD.

Twitter has since been flooded with tributes from fans. See some of the best below.




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