Photo: Press
Iggy Pop has suffered at the hands of Justin Bieber in a new poster campaign for the Belgium branch of Amnesty International.
Don't worry, before you get up in arms, the bruised and battered mug of Iggy above isn't the result of Bieber's teenage fury. Rather it is a new viral campaign from Amnesty International, Belgium, to raise awareness that torture is still an inhumane tool used by governments all over the world and an ineffective one.
The caption above is Iggy Pop saying: “The future of rock ‘n’ roll, it’s Justin Bieber,” with the caption underneath adding: “In addition to being inhumane, torture is ineffective. Let’s stop it”. We couldn't agree more, both with the humanitarian principles and the Bieber bashing.
The campaign also features a battered Dalai Lama with the caption: “A man who does not have a Rolex watch at 50 years old has failed in his life.” and a bruised Karl Lagerfield bitching about hawaiin shirts. Check them out below.
“For us it was a quirky but not sloppy way to attract public attention to this tragic reality, which often happens in the greatest secrecy,”says Amnesty International director Philippe Hensmans.
It is also not the first time that the charity have called on big names to help communicate their cause. Previously they sponsored a tour with Cat Power, Vampire Weekend, Justice, and R.E.M and more recently played host to a gig featuring Pussy Riot, Flaming Lips, Ms. Lauryn Hill and many more.