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by Andrew Trendell

Tags: Pitbull

Pitbull has been given an honorary university degree. Yes, really

It's not for his services to music, or trousers


Pitbull has been given an honorary university degree. Yes, really


Pitbull has been an honorary university degree - sharing this delightful image to mark the occasion. 

The rapper, and one of the worst things to ever happen to recorded sound, received an honorary degree from Doral College in Miami during the school's graduation ceremony this week - before flipping the bird and posting the message: "for those that didn't believe #dale"

The honour comes as a result of his support of education, which is very admirable. It's certainly not for his services or music or taste in trousers. Either way, congratulations Mr Worldwide (as no one calls him). 

"I remember being kicked out of a public school because I didn't have the right address. That's why I want better schools for the kids who live where I grew up," Pitbull said in his acceptance speech, reports Local 10.

"That's why Doral Academy was founded, and that's why I helped create SLAM (Sports Leadership and Management Academy) in the neighborhood where I grew up - a school that offers a choice for students, like me, students who need someone to inspire them, someone to believe in them."

It was probably all agreed before he ruined the opening ceremony of the World Cup with an abysmal performance. Check out the world's best reactions to it here

Below: The 6 most awful moments of Pitbull's World Cup performance

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