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by Gaby Whitehill | Photos by WENN

Tags: Sting

Sting says he will not leave his children trust funds: 'They have to work'

Star will spend all his money before he dies


Sting says he will not leave his children trust funds: 'They have to work'

Photo: WENN

Sting categorically wants you to know his children are NOT, we repeat NOT, spoilt. In fact, he won't even leave them any of his sizeable fortune after he pops his clogs.

In a new interview with the Mail on Sunday, the musician - who is said to be worth $8 million - says that his six children won't recieve a penny of his riches, because he's going to spend it all before he dies, thank you very much. 

"I told them there won't be much money left because we are spending it," said the former Police frontman. "We have a lot of commitments. What comes in we spend, and there isn't much left."

"I certainly don't want to leave them trust funds that are albatrosses round their necks," he added.  "They have to work. All my kids know that and they rarely ask me for anything, which I really respect and appreciate."

Sting, who has six children - two with his first wife Frances Tomelty and four with his current spouse Trudie Styler - also insisted his children "have not been given a lot", but added that if they were "in trouble" he would help them.

We assume so, given that he more than likely very much "helped" his daughter Eliot "Coco" Sumner out with her ill-fated career as a musician in band I Blame Coco.


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