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by Cai Trefor | Photos by

Tags: Azealia Banks

Azealia Banks parts ways with Interscope records, wants to join Interpol

The '212' singer celebrates on twitter


Azealia Banks parts ways with Interscope records, wants to join Interpol


Azealia Banks released a series of tweets in celebration of her split with Interscope Records - but added that she'd love to join Interpol. 

Her rocky relationship with the label has caused distress for Banks this year and her relief is evident in these tweest:

This morning she has also added "Let the good times roll."

The 212 singer has always been very public about her dissatisfaction of being signed to Interscope who are a subsidiary of Universal Music Group.

In January she tweeted “I REALLY should have signed with Sony”, and added: “Can someone at Sony buy me off of Universal please? I’m really in hell here”. She also expressed interest in signing back to XL with whom she had a development deal, tweeting: "I would literally give anything to be on XL right now.

Her motivation toward the indie label appears sustained as included in her barage of tweets yesterday was a nostalgic hint at a future with XL

Interscope are yet to comment on the situation and there's still no indication of with who Banks will sign, and when her long-overdue debut album will be released.

Below: Photos of Azealia Banks at Glastonbury

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