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by Peter Kandunias

Parliament passes new copyright law giving people the 'right to parody'

New regulations will come into force 1 October


Parliament passes new copyright law giving people the 'right to parody'


A law has now been passed that will give people the right to alter copyrighted work for 'caricature, parody and pastiche' - so good news for any of you Weird Al wannabes out there. 

This law, named 'The Copyright and Rights in Performances (Quotation and Parody) Regulations' will come into force on October 1.

Minister for intellectual copyright, Baroness Neville-Rolfe, said: "Online creative sites, which are about building grass-roots creativity, have told us that they have encountered sometimes insurmountable issues with lawyers and copyright owners over the years. One of the ways that campaigners are able to highlight questionable business practice is by parodying a company's own brand or slogans.

"Yet as the law stands, to do so carries considerable risk of legal action and with it the risk of campaign materials being blocked from publication. The Government believe it is time to change the law."

The Open Rights Group rejoiced in wake of the law change. Commenting on the decision, the group said: "We will have to make sure the new parody right can be used and isn't inappropriately challenged in the courts. But it has to be said that getting parody onto the statute book is a major achievement for the government and those who supported the proposal, including campaign groups, and comedians and YouTube parodists who joined us in our campaign."


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