Photo: WENN.com
Yesterday, after weeks of athletics and Usain Bolt saying 'Glasgow's a bit shit', the Commonwealth Games came to an end. And the end was marked, of course, by a glitzy, glamourous, camp closing ceremony.
We will admit at this point that we didn't watch the whole thing. We caught someone reiterating for the 6,537th time, how wonderful Glasgow is, an Australian popstar who wasn't Kylie, then Kylie. That's about the gist. Oh, and The Proclaimers weren't there.
Thankfully, the good people of Twitter were paying more attention than we were, and provided a much better commentary than the BBC presenters. Here are some of the best tweets.
No Proclaimers? Glasgow you had one job, and you FAILED. #Glasgow2014 #closingceremony
— Will Sugg (@SuggWillSugg) August 3, 2014
Meanwhile, in the skies above Glasgow... #closingceremony pic.twitter.com/3Apa0nKvnU
— Dean Burnett (@garwboy) August 3, 2014
John Barrowman's going to run on stage in a minute, lift his kilt, and sing 'Sunset Boulevard'. #dear #closingceremony
— westendproducer (@westendproducer) August 3, 2014
'All the Lovers' are eating chips at the closing ceremony.. #closingceremony pic.twitter.com/XQngSHQDqn
— Jeremy McWilliams (@McWill99) August 3, 2014
If this really was "a night out in Glasgow" surely Kylie would have been bottled by now? #closingceremony
— Ian Hyland (@HylandIan) August 3, 2014
The closing ceremony is making the opening ceremony look good.
— Sara (@riversidebIues) August 3, 2014
I think my TV is broken, I seem to be watching High School Musical. #closingceremony
— Steph McGovern (@stephbreakfast) August 3, 2014
Nice to see the Australian Commonwealth Games will be broadcast live on CBeebies. #closingceremony
— Mrs Stephen Fry (@MrsStephenFry) August 3, 2014
Bit mean about her height. #closingceremony pic.twitter.com/7hxS0blKKf
— James Martin (@Pundamentalism) August 3, 2014
Imagine being a backing dancer for Kylie, and knowing you'll be fat and grey in 20 years, and she'll still be Kylie.
— Greg Jenner (@greg_jenner) August 3, 2014