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by Andy Morris | Photos by Wenn

Billy Ray Cyrus 'does a Trump', tweets photo of Jimmy Saville

Miley's father falls for same trick as Donald Trump


Billy Ray Cyrus 'does a Trump', tweets photo of Jimmy Saville

Photo: Wenn

Billy Ray Cyrus clearly didn't see what happened when Donald Trump tweeted a photo of Fred and Rose West earlier this week - earlier today he tweeted a photo of Jimmy Saville.
The American country star retweeting a request from a follower - @ekajronnoco (aka self-described lad from Yorkshire Jake) claimed his granddad “is a huge fan” and would really love a retweet for his birthday. The tweet (via The Guardian) is below.

13 hours after the tweet was initially posted, it could still be found on Miley’s father's Twitter page. So far Cyrus has made no comment on the entire affair. Jake, meanwhile, is revelling in his internet celebrity status - particularly managing to appear on The Lad Bible.

For his part, Trump was monumentally unamused tweeting on 29 September

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