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by Ed Keeble

Tags: Lorde, Diplo, Taylor Swift 

Lorde to Diplo: 'Should we do something about your tiny penis?'

The singer was responding to the DJ's Taylor Swift diss


Lorde to Diplo: 'Should we do something about your tiny penis?' Photo:

Lorde has hit out at Diplo, in response to a Taylor Swift diss, choosing insult his "tiny" manhood.

The infamous EDM DJ started the minor spat by tweeting: “Someone should make a kickstarter to get taylor swift a booty”. As for the internet, it responded by actually initiating a Kickstarter to "Get Taylor Swift A Booty", which has currently raised $45 from 15 contributors.

Lorde however didn't take to kindly to the comment, replying to the tweet: “@diplo should we do something about your tiny penis while we’re at it hm”. Ouch. 


Diplo has previously remixed 'Tennis Court' and contributed to the Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part One soundtrack along with Lorde. Looks like that may be another working relationship out the window. 

Below: The 7 most rubbish feuds in music

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