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by Jasmine Cowler | Photos by

Bono on plane drama: 'I'm worried about cows with sore heads'

U2 frontman speaks out after brush with disaster


Bono on plane drama: 'I'm worried about cows with sore heads'


Bono has spoken out after his recent plane emergency stating his concern for "cows with sore heads".

Following the near-disaster last week, after the rear compartment containing luggage at the back of his private plane fell off on the way to Berlin's Bambi Awards, NBC News quoted him on the red carpet:

"There was a kind of bang. We thought we'd hit turbulence - maybe the wheel landing gear was coming down or something - but it was 25 minutes" he recalls. "The real relief was that the particular design meant that the plane did not decompress."

Bono went on to express his concerns as to where his luggage ended up: "The worry is where is the door, where are those bags?" he explained.

"You know there may be a few cows or sheep in the German countryside with a very sore head. We trust that nobody was hurt because we would have heard by now and that was actually our first concern, cause we were fine."

Despite the accident U2 went on to perform at the Bambi Awards with Bono while Aviation authorities in Germany began investigating the incident. 

Below: U2 - A History Of Gargantuan Live Shows In Photos

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