Wild Beasts have come up with an innovative way of releasing new music - via an interactive GIF novel. Watch and listen below.
'Blood Knowledge' and 'Soft Future' are streaming on Jameson's website as part of two interconnecting graphic novels, told in GIF form. The GIF novels were created by Wild Beasts and Matt Dovier.
As DIY reports, the two narratives, one of which shows a human in a robot world, and the other a robot in a human world, can be played side by side by pressing the space bar to switch from one to the other. It's a very strange experience.
Speaking to DIY about the project, Hayden Thorpe said: "We went from the idea of it being a graphic novel to something we could soundtrack and put on the Internet, so it became a GIF, rather than a fixed graphic. I just sat back in awe at how it’s put together. To me, it’s still magic."
You can listen to the songs by experiencing Wild Beasts' interative GIF novel here.