by Keeley Bolger Contributor

Tags: We Are Scientists 

Monday 28/11/05 We Are Scientists, Test Icicles @ Kings College, London


Monday 28/11/05 We Are Scientists, Test Icicles @ Kings College, London Photo:

Test IciclesHere’s a little experiment for you; take a snifter of chaotic punk funk, a smattering of thumping riffs and a hearty slice of ball crunchingly skinny jeans, mix it all up with caustic wit and what do you get? A thundering firework of a show from Test Icicles and We Are Scientists of course. Kicking off the gig are those snotty upstarts, Test Icicles. With their comedy name, synthesis of hip hopping, beat infused heavy metal and ability to simultaneously rile the audience and then keep them hankering for more, the funky threesome play a set as tight as their castration worthy trousers.

While the Test Icicles defy even GHD logic with their immaculately coiffed hair that remains pristine despite their raucous pounds around the stage, it is We Are Scientists that defy unwritten rock and roll ethos that says bands must not under any circumstances look as if they are having fun or heavens forbid, enjoy their job. An explosive performance of ‘In Action’ leaves fans grasping for more as they gravitate towards those beacons of brilliance, that are We Are Scientists. Interchange between songs, includes lead singer Keith stating that he wants, "To do Test Icicles. Sexually," drummer Michael’s shanty kit almost falling apart and bassist Chris whacking on a pair of goggles an awestruck fan hands him.

We Are ScientistsGoggles firmly in place, WAS rip through their ‘The Scene is Dead’ and ‘That One Pop Gem’ to great effect. A gaggle of gig-goers fly in the face of ‘Nobody Moves, Nobody Gets Hurt,’ when they fire up a kinetically catatonic mosh pit, quaking under the chants of the song. Mosh pit firmly in place, the crowd await the catalytic finale. And they’re not disappointed. The roaring riff strikes up, the trinkle of a drum kit ready to either fall apart or rock the audience to the core joins in, and that perfect pop punk prodigy that is 'The Great Escape' permeates the whole audience.  WAS tear through their smash song and smile along with the look of a band ready to take on the world. Result.

Photos by: Chris Birkinshaw

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