by Sofi Eln Contributor | Photos by Sofi Eln

Saturday 28/02/09 Solid Gold @ Proud Galleries, Camden


Saturday 28/02/09 Solid Gold @ Proud Galleries, Camden Photo: Sofi Eln

Bringing their mini stint of UK dates to an end tonight before the bright lights of SXSW take hold, Solid Gold air their electro at an intimate club gig in Camden’s Proud Galleries. Forget the Gang of Four reference or the associations with weighty bling that their name conjures up, the synthy psychedelia at the heart of this Minneapolis four-piece has seen Solid Gold grouped (albeit hastily) with the likes of MGMT, Empire of the Sun and even Passion Pit. However, tonight’s show sees their dejected disco buried under earthier tones, guitar riffs and a rawness surprisingly similar to the stripped-back rock of those Cold War Kids.

Though the beats and synths strike strong, it’s singer Zachary Coulter who’s directs the crowd as they sway along entranced in all the ambience. His throaty vocals flow smoothly and is uplifting at times despite the constant melancholy tones, yet theirs always this aggressive edge that is detectable throughout Solid Gold’s performance. Last year’s single Get Over It and it’s B-side, Who You Gonna Run To? receive the noisiest reactions of the night, with those in the front row singing along dutifully until soon enough everyone is joining in for their soulful take with-a-country-swagger of Chris Isaac’s Wicked Game.

After nearly four years treading water on the Minneapolis scene, on tonight's showing Solid Gold at last deserve some international recognition. Fingers crossed it will reach the giddy fervour levels of their electro psychedelic contemporaries.

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