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by Ed Keeble

Tags: Britney Spears 

Britney Spears fan cuts himself into 'Work Bitch' video, it goes viral

Gal Volinez learnt all the choreography and replaced Britney


Britney Spears fan cuts himself into 'Work Bitch' video, it goes viral Photo:

A Britney Spears fan has created a viral hit after superimposing himself into the 'Work Bitch' video. Ir's really quite something.

Compiling nearly two million hits since it was posted, the parody piece sees Gal Volinez replacing Britney in the video through his own technical wizardry. Well, he has filmed himself doing the choreography at home and then simply cut his image out and plopped it on top of Spears. In a video as sexually and morally questionable as 'Work Bitch', the results are golden. 

Watch 'Hi Brit' by Gal Volinez below

Gal Volinez appears to be a performance artist, featuring some seriously weird videos on his real Youtube, that is when he's not masquerading under the Volinez Spears moniker. He may have started a new and awesome trend with fan videos here, internet the floor is yours...

 Photos: the sad, lonely and terrified eyes of Britney Spears

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