Beyonce's goofy, lo-fi music video for new song '7/11' is the closest the singer has come to resembling a mere mortal in many years. Watch it below.
There are several moments in the video, which appears to have been shot mainly on mobile phones, which make us feel slightly better about ourselves. Queen Bey fails at a few tricky dance moves, pretends to make a phone call with her foot, creates a wind effect with a hairdryer and jumps around in a very messy bedroom. Yes it was probably all meticulously engineered, but let's just pretend that's not that case.
Those eagle-eyed amongst you may also notice that when the singer jumps onto her bed, her daughter Blue Ivy appears to be lying on it, surrounded by the mess, for a few frames.
Watch the video for '7/11' below
Since it was published yesterday, the video has gained over 2.7 million views.