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by Jasmine Cowler | Photos by

Tags: Paul McCartney, Kanye West 

Paul McCartney: John Lennon inspired Kanye West's 'Only One'

The Beatle describes how he collaborated with the rapper


Paul McCartney says John Lennon inspired Kanye's Only One Photo:

Paul McCartney has revealed his collaboration with Kanye West was inspired by John Lennon and Beatles classic 'Let It Be'.

The duo worked together on West's January release 'Only One', written from the perspective of Kanye's mother, Donda West.

Speaking to The Sun, McCartney also said that he and Kanye used a similar process that McCartney and John Lennon used when they wrote Beatles songs together. He said: "When I wrote with John, he would sit down with a guitar. I would sit down. We'd ping-pong till we had a song. (Working with West) was like that."

From there, McCartney and West chatted as much as they could before the topic eventually turned to "Let It Be."

"We sat around and talked an awful lot just to break the ice" McCartney said. "One of the stories I told him was about how I happened to have written 'Let It Be.'My mum came to me in a dream when she’d died years previously. I was in a bit of a state — it was the Sixties and I was overdoing it.

"In the dream she said, 'Don’t worry it’s all going to be fine, just let it be.’ And I woke up and thought, 'Woah' and wrote the song. I told Kanye this and he said, 'I’m going to write a song with my mum.' So then I sat down at the piano."

The pair then went on to team up with Rihanna for the first single from her new album, 'FourFiveSeconds'.

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