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by Alexandra Pollard | Photos by Instagram

Tags: Kanye West, Lily Allen 

Owner of 'F*CK OFF KANYE' flag burnt by Lily Allen: 'Get off your high horse'

Read Aoibheann's unhappy response to Lily Allen


Lily Allen burns fuck off Kanye flag at Glastonbury, owner responds Photo: Instagram

The owner of the "FUCK OFF KANYE" flag that Lily Allen stole and burnt at Glastonbury has said, "Get off your high horse and stop nicking things."

Kanye West headlined Glastonbury on Saturday - a booking that proved controversial from the off. In fact, a petition asking Emily Eavis to "cancel Kanye West's headline slot and get a rock band" gathered over 130,000 signatures.

Lily Allen subsequently took on the mantle of peacemaker at the festival, writing on Instagram: "The flag said FUCK OFF KANYE .so I burned it till it said just KANYE . Don't go for dinner at someone's house and tell them their food sucks.i should be clear that this picture was taken BEFORE Kanye played on Saturday."

Watch Lily Allen burning the "FUCK OFF KANYE" flag below


Me and @sebchew keeping the #peezus #glastonbury2015

A video posted by Lily Allen (@lilyallen) on


A video posted by Lily Allen (@lilyallen) on


@kanyewest @sebchew @goodyearsldn @scott_jay @lerneeek @fryars

A video posted by Lily Allen (@lilyallen) on

The flag's owner, Aoibheann, has since contacted NME to criticise Allen's actions, saying they were "gutted" to discover their flag missing, and that it made finding their tent late at night far more difficult.

Aiobheann said, "It gave us a fright too because we didn't know if they had robbed anything else so we searched our tents but it was all good."

She added, "I thought it was hilarious until I saw that she'd burned it and gotten all self righteous about it. I don't care who you are, you have no right to steal my stuff and vandalise it. Get off your high horse and stop nicking things.

"We had no intention of taking it to his gig or of even going to his gig. We, along with many others, didn't feel he represented what Glastonbury is about. And if I want to make a flag saying "Fuck off Kanye" then I have every right to."

"Glastonbury is all about peace, love, good vibes and positivity," continued the woman with a flag telling someone to fuck off. "The guy is an egotistical narcissistic and self deluded idiot who's still basking in the light of his one good album. His stand out attribute is his commercialism and self promotion which completeley contradicts the socialist ethos of Glastonbury festival. So I reckoned he could just fuck off."

Kanye West headlined Glastonbury on Saturday. See Gigwise readers' reaction to the set here, and read our own (much more complimentary) review here.

Below: 10 reasons Kanye West is still one of the most important artists in rap

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